AILACT Archives
AILACT @ the APA: presented papers
Papers are listed in alphabetical order of the first author's family name.
Ennis, Robert H. (2007). "Nationwide Testing of Critical Thinking for Higher Education: Vigilance Required", revised (Nov. 18, 2007) version of a paper presented at a session jointly sponsored by AILACT and the American Philosophical Association Committee on the Teaching of Philosophy on Thursday, 19 April 2007 at the APA Central Division meeting in Chicago
Fetzer, James. (2002). "Mental Models: Descriptive vs. Normative Aspects", presented at the AILACT session on Saturday, 28 December 2002 at the APA Eastern Division meeting in Philadelphia
Galvin, Richard F. (2007). "Legal Moralism and the U.S. Supreme Court", presented at the AILACT session on Wednesday, 27 December 2007 at the APA Eastern Division meeting in Washington
Over, David and Jonathan St. B. T. Evans, (2002). "The Probability of Conditionals: The Psychological Evidence", presented at the AILACT session on Saturday, 28 December 2002 at the APA Eastern Division meeting in Philadelphia.
Weinstein, Mark. (2007). "Towards an Objectivist Account of Truth in Argument", paper presented at the AILACT session on Thursday, 5 April 2007 at the APA Pacific Division meeting in Chicago.
Woods, John. (2003). "Dogmatism and Dialethism: Reflections on Remarks of Sorenson and Armour-Garb", presented at the AILACT session on Sunday, 28 December 2003 at the APA Eastern Division meeting in Washington.